For years, clients of Whisler Law Firm have enjoyed the highest quality of care and legal representation in all practice areas. If you or a loved one have suffered a traumatic brain injury or been otherwise harmed by the negligence or inattention of another, you may be entitled to financial compensation for your losses.
Regardless of the nature of your accident, we will be here to help. Whisler Law Firm encourages you to focus on recovery while we pursue compensation from the at-fault party. Our firm will handle every step of the legal process, from the initial evaluation of your claim to the maximum settlement at closing. Brain injuries can be devastating and costly, do not navigate these highly nuanced legal matters alone.
A staggering 5 million Americans live with traumatic brain injury (TBI) disabilities. Furthermore, over 2.5 million Americans suffer a TBI annually. Since the brain regulates our breathing, controls our heartbeat, and facilitates virtually every bodily function, the reported rise in TBI has been called “The Silent Epidemic”.
TBI’s range from mild concussions to severe neurological injuries. Head trauma injuries undergo further classification as either open TBI, when an object penetrates the skull and enters the brain, or closed TBI, when the victim suffers a non-penetrating blow to the head. Subsequent brain swelling may deprive the brain of oxygen, causing hypoxic brain injury.
Psychological symptoms are red flags for brain or brain stem injuries. Symptoms include:
- Trouble recognizing people or places
- Difficulty concentrating
- Confusion, restlessness, or agitation
- Unusual behavior
Symptoms may appear after a delay, so it is crucial to watch for any physical manifestations following a head trauma event. Physical symptoms include:
- Persistent headache
- Loss of consciousness
- Convulsions or seizure
- Nausea and vomiting, particularly in children
- Fatigue or drowsiness
- Slurred speech
- Dizziness or loss of coordination
- Changes in vision
- Different sized pupils
- Clear fluids leaking from the nose or ears
- Hearing loss or hypersensitivity to sound
- Numbness or weakness in the fingers or toes
Psychological symptoms are red flags for brain or brain stem injuries. Symptoms include:
- Trouble recognizing people or places
- Difficulty concentrating
- Confusion, restlessness, or agitation
- Unusual behavior
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends taking the following precautions to prevent TBI:
- Never drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol
- Wear a helmet or appropriate headgear during activities such as bike riding or snowboarding
- Seat children in the proper car or booster seat to lower the risk of TBI
Safety bars, gates, and window guards all help prevent accidents around the home and reduce the risk of TBI.
Parties that may be found liable for TBI, depending on the circumstances surrounding the case, include (but are not limited to):
- A negligent driver, the vehicle owner, or the driver’s employer
- Product manufacturers
- Shipping companies
- Retailers
- A public entity (e.g. a local or state government)
Whisler Law Firm will pursue the maximum amount of compensation on behalf of victims and their families. Compensation for damages that victims and their families are entitled to recover include:
- Medical Bills—This begins with initial emergency care and further includes any rehabilitation and other life-support services.
- Pain and Suffering—No matter the duration of the impairments, if you suffered a traumatic brain injury that affected your enjoyment of life, preventing you from doing activities you once loved, you may be entitled to recover those damages.
- Lost Wages—This covers any time that a victim may have had to take off from work to recover.
- Impairment of Earning Capacity—When a victim’s ability to work for a living becomes diminished, and their likely future earnings are impacted as a result.
- Lifestyle Changes—This is for victims who are no longer able to perform normal activities that added to their quality of life before their injury.
- Future Damages—If a victim is likely to suffer additional problems in the future as a result of their TBI, they are often entitled to compensation for this.
- Life Care—Brain injury victims may never again be able to drive, clean, cook, or take care of other everyday tasks, relying instead on paid services for these tasks.
- Punitive Damages—If the party who caused the victim’s brain injury acted recklessly, or with malice, punitive damages may be awarded to the victim and their family.
Whisler Law Firm urges victims of a TBI to seek the legal counsel of an experienced professional, rather than trying to pursue damages alone. Having a decorated personal injury attorney from Whisler Law Firm will ensure the most favorable outcome for your case. Our attorneys will review the details surrounding your injury, evaluate the strength of your claim, gather evidence to support your claim, and aggressively pursue compensation from the at-fault party. We want you and your family to focus on recovery in the wake of your accident, and let us fight for the maximum amount of compensation and justice you deserve.
For excellence without compromise, contact Whisler Law Firm today at (833)-529-5677.
Located in Naples, South Florida, our Brain Injury Lawyers are at your disposal for all questions.